Study of a Colgan set in B (made approx. 1800-1825) with Coyne chanter. In the care of Jimmy O'Brien-Moran. The Colgan chanter together with a Robert Reid chanter and a Taylor chanter copy were resting in Jimmy's car. Photo taken after Jimmy's fine lecture on Seamus Ennis during Willie Week 1998
Johnson's Uilleann Pipes Discography & Tune Index
Johnson's Index of An Piobaire
First rough draft of an index of An Piobaire. Mainly vol. 3 and 4 so far
Johnny Doran (1907-1950) - Travelling Piper
Study of a set by Kenna the elder. A late 18th century set with one regulator. Two piece
hollow stock. The bass drone doubled back into the stock is shown, also one tenor drone and the back of the regulator and four regulator keys. This set has four drones.
Taylor Pipes
(photo: Rolf Knüsel)
An attempt to document the whereabouts of surviving uilleann pipes made by
William and Charles Taylor of Drogheda, County Louth, New York and Philadelphia.
Session Snaps
Uilleann pipes, owned by Kulturen, a museum in the town of Lund, southern Sweden
An inspection of these pipes on the 8th January 1999 showed that they are not an
Egan or Kenna set.
Na Píobairí Uilleann (Dublin)
A fine updated site. Some of the things that can be found here are a photo gallery, searchable reference archive (not the actual articles) for members, examples of articles from the newsletter An Píobairí in PDF format, members have the possibilty to advertise instruments for sale or wanted on-line, links to web sites of interest to uilleann pipers, information about buying pipes, contact details of pipemakers, and an on-line shop
Irish Pipers Club (Seattle)
Rudall, Rose, Carte & Co. - the eight key years
Flutemaker Terry McGee's excellent site on flutemakers George Rudall, James Rose & Richard Carte
See also McGee's The Rudall, Rose or Carte models study
The Dayton C. Miller Flute Collection
Some nice photos and information about, amongst others, wooden flutes by Rudall & Rose, Henry Potter, William Henry Potter, Richard Potter on this site
Antique flutes
Larry Mallette has a page with photos of some old flutes he has had restored: Rudalls, Wylde, Firth & Pond, Boosey
Rudall, Rose & Carte simple system flute register
The Flow
Traditional styles of playing the Irish concert flute
Hints for left-handed flute players
Michael Anthony's flute discography
The Paddy Keenan pages
A fine comprehensive site about master piper Paddy Keenan together with many fine photos of the Keenan family
Irish tune composers: Tommy Peoples
"Fine piping". As Séamus Ennis once remarked of Arty McGlynn's playing.
Kevin Rowsome's web-site
A fine informative site about five generations of pipers in the Rowsome family.
Leo Rowsome's own set of uilleann pipes in NPU's photo archive
The official Neillidh Mulligan web-site
A fine informative site.
The story and information about Alphie Ó Maolagáin's pipes. The stock and regultors are from the original "silver" set made for Felix Doran by Leo Rowsome
Also information about James Mulcrone and the C-sharp set made for Tom Mulligan which is now played by Neilldh
Dicky Deegan Uilleann Piper
Dicky Deegan plays The Castle of Dromore (October Winds) and The Return from Fingal Patrick D'Arcy's informative & comprehensive web site
Instrument makers:
Dave Williams (1946-2004)
One of the finest makers of uilleann pipes & flutes
Uilleann pipes by David Lim
Uilleann pipes by Marcus Coulter
Brian Bigley pipemaker
Brian Bigley is currently taking orders for practice sets
Maker of fine uilleann chanters
Flute maker Chris Wilkes' web site
Chris Wilkes
The Old School,
Moreton Eye, Leominster,
Hereford HR6 0DP,
Tel: +44 (0)1568 615772
Maker of fine flutes
Marc van Daal Uilleann Pipes Page
Marc van Daal
van Overschiestraat 14
5142 WN Waalwijk
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 0416 334976
Maker of fine uilleann pipes
Andreas Rogge: pipemaker
Westbanhofstr. 60
D-72070 Tubingen
Tel: +49-(0)7071-43679
Fax: +49-(0)7071-4682
Patrick Olwell
Patrick Olwell, maker of fine flutes.
Pat Olwell interview 1999
An insightful interview from 1999 by Tina Eck on Brad Hurley's fine website "A guide to the Irish flute"
Folk Festivals & Tionals:

Paddy Keenan with members of Danu, Roy Kavanah
& Winnie Horan on stage at Tønder '98
The Tønder Folk Festival in the small town of Tønder, Denmark near the Danish-German border takes place at the end of August and is one of the best folk music festivals in Scandinavia.
All photographs on this page unless otherwise stated are copyright Thomas Johnson
(Last updated: 29th March, 2022)